It’s tricky getting kids to take vitamins, but why not make your own vitamin icy-poles?
Here’s a few ideas from our great friend Janine Castle, Naturopath.
There are a range of nice tasting vitamin powders and liquids on the market which can be blended with fruit, yoghurt, concentrates and juices. There’s
- Fizzy Vitamin C powders (eg. Bioceuticals)
- Probiotic Powders (Inner Health)
- Zinc (Ethical Nutrients)
- Magnesium liquids (Floradix)
- Rescue Remedy
- Mineral sprays (eg. Schussler); and
- Calming herbal teas
The kids will love making and eating them, and mummy will have some peace of mind knowing the little mites are actually gaining some vitamin intake from their special treats!!