Rebecca Curran
Geelong, Australia
Today’s Snap Happy Profile covers a super-woman mother of five (yep that’s 5) kids ranging in age from Year 8 at high school down to a little rolly-polly toddler. This lady has got it going on – and always with a smile on her dial! I was interested to hear what makes this lady tick (at such rapid rates)…
Name: Rebecca Curran
Age: 43
Occupation: Mum, Group Exercise instructor, Registered Nurse
Star sign: Pisces
Lives: Highton, Geelong, Australia
Favourite Memory: The birth of my kids, childhood memories from Grandparent’s farm & Lorne Holidays.
My Happiness is… feeling fit AND well rested, at home (tidy?) with family, a great meal and relaxing in front of a movie with my hubby & kids.
Most inspiring person: A few…
- Martin Luther King, Germaine Greer… people who weren’t afraid to go against the status quo & speak out for a cause they believed in.
- Barry Humphries & Sacha Baron Cohen for their fantastic way they look at modern living.
- The Queen…. she has been dignified in her role for 60+ years. Imagine being in a job for that long!!! I would be an alcoholic, panda-eyed teary makeup mess on the front of New Idea after 6 months!!
Hardest moment: Returning home from backpacking around Europe/Africa with PTSD & depression.
What gets me through hard times: Talking to my husband and parents, the company of good friends, exercise, sleep and a glass or 3 of vino for an instant hit!!! But I am aware I can get the “booze blues” if I over indulge too much.
Favourite quote: Live in the solution not the problem.
A song that moves me: Bridge over Troubled Water?
My happy place: Out the front of our van in Lorne over the Summer holidays.
My little secret: I ❤ my eyelash extensions….aka mid-life crisis…?