Andrea Coleman California USA
This lovely lady has found her happy place – behind the lens of a camera looking out to the ocean, often pointed at her three gorgeous grommets.
Name: Andrea Coleman
Age: 43
Occupation: Mum/photographer/explorer
Star Sign: Aquarius
Where do you live? San Clemente, California
Favorite Memory: Standing on a rooftop in Portugal meeting my future husband for the first time.
My Happiness is… Getting on a plane to explore a new place that I have never been to… And the correct answer would be spending time with my lovely 3 sons.
Most inspiring person… My Nan. She lived until 93, never drove a car, travelled the world even in hers 80s and baked like a pro. I have a lot of her in me.
Hardest moment in life? Giving my Nan’s Eulogy on my 43rd Birthday.
Favorite Quote? “Be yourself, everybody else is already taken”. My son said this to me in the car. I thought WOW what an insightful kid. I later discovered it was a famous quote by Oscar Wilde.
A song that moves me is…. Don’t judge but yep its Adele’s hit song “Hello”. It reminds me of when I had just left Australia to start my round the world adventure and I would call this guy that I had dated back home and he wouldn’t pick up my calls. Probably because I was standing in a phone booth at 2am on the north shore with too many beverages in my system trying to reverse the charges to him.
Looking back I wouldn’t have taken those calls either. And yes, I literally bawled when I heard it. And I have only listened to the song once in its entirety.
I don’t listen to music much. That is actually my news year’s resolution – to listen to more tunes and not the news. I just ordered the CD 25 so anybody sitting next to me at a traffic light can just turn the other way please.
My happy place is… Sitting alone on the beach in my own thoughts.
My little secret… I hate talking to most people. Not all. I have a few friends but I really like being alone. If I could own 10 acres of farm on the coast in the middle of nowhere I would be very happy.
I can’t deal with peoples BS and blah blah blah. I actually get nervous around other people. Definitely socially awkward and anxious.
If somebody that I don’t really know, or want to talk to, is walking in my direction I quickly put the phone to my ear and have a fake conversation. If I’m shooting I put the camera back up to my eye really quick and pretend I don’t see them. I like to hide behind the lens.
And another little secret (I do have a few) I love the stock market. Everyday I have to check in to see where the market closed. I’m a little obsessed.
Check out Andrea’s beautiful pics at