A Guilt-Free Winter Treat
It’s that time of the year when our body craves stodginess. We want comfort, we want cosiness, we want warmth, we want to catch up with a friend, hold a hot mug of something in our hand and WE WANT BROWNIES!
As the weather turns a colder, the healthy snacks of summer fruits, yoghurts, sorbets and smoothies don’t hold the same appeal. At this point we are in danger of throwing all of our good intentions out the window for a serve of steaming hot sticky date pudding and double cream.
This is precisely the moment we at Destination Happiness turn to our best friend Mother Nourish (aka Janneke) who always has a healthy but delicious recipe up her sleeve. Bless that woman for her dedication to providing us with her guilt-free delights.
Give this recipe a whirl and keep some healthy treats on hand for those Winter moments of weakness. No need to raid the closest bakery, have yourself a homemade chocolate brownie. Yum!