One of the most useful and widely used Positive Psychology strategies for promoting wellbeing is to identify and draw upon our signature character strengths, which relate to our enduring key virtues.
These character strengths are the kind of virtues which are recognized by all cultures.
When we act on our most developed, or signature, character strengths to address challenges or goals we are more likely to be engaged, effective and to find satisfaction in what we are doing.
The steps are:
- Access thewww.viacharacter.orgwebsite
- Click on the tab “Take The Free VIA Survey”)
- Complete your registration details.
- Choose either the Adult or Youth (ages 10-17) version of the survey. (Perhaps encourage your teenage children to fill it out too!)
- Complete the survey (it takes about 15 minutes)
- Click on tab “Download Free Character Strengths Profile” at top of list (your list of 24 character strengths in order)
Then – consider your top five (and especially your top two) signature strengths:
- Do these fit with your expectations?
- Have people previously remarked that you have these characteristics?
- When you have been “at your best”, were these strengths on display or helping you to achieve goals?
- When you act on these strengths do you tend to feel more assured or confident?
- How might you draw on these strengths further?
- What are some ways you could use your top strengths in a new way?
- Are there further ways you can use your top two strengths in combination, perhaps to deal with a challenging situation, or an opportunity?
For more information on using character strengths, or for a link to a longer version of the Character Strengths Survey(about 45 minutes to complete), click on this link to a blog at the Chris Mackey and Associates website ( The longer version might be slightly more reliable, but the longer and shorter versions of the Character Strengths survey usually give very similar results.