This Week on Destination Happiness..
Happy People
Professor Lea Waters has been dealt her fair share of adversity in her life. After a period of intense bullying at both home and school throughout her childhood, her darkest days culminated with the loss of her sister to suicide. Instead of letting everything get the best of her, Professor Waters decided to rise above and engineer her future in a more positive way. This, she says, is what drove her to become one of the world’s leading psychologists in the field of positive psychology.
Happy Mind
This week, resident psychologist Chris Mackey talks to us about increasing our levels of motivation. Our motivation depends on two factors: how important something is to us, and how confident we are to achieve that goal.
Tune in on Saturday at 12pm on Channel 9 to find out some simple strategies for increasing your motivation.
Random Acts of Happiness
Angela Kennedy – Dental Surgery
This week, thanks to Morris Finance, Dr Simon Hinckfuss and Dr Chris Hart have kindly teamed up to perform $30,000 worth of dental surgery on mum of 5 Angela Kennedy and restore confidence in her beautiful smile.
Happy Travels
Peppers Cradle Mountain Resort
Nestled in the stunning Tasmanian wilderness, Peppers Cradle Mountain Resort is the perfect way to experience the beauty if being immersed in nature, whilst still holding on to all the creature comforts of home.
Wellbeing Tip
Resident Naturopath Lindsey Ingleton, speaks to us about anxiety. According to research, 1 in 4 Australians will experience anxiety at some point throughout our life. Meditation is an effective way to improve our bodies ability to avoid the natural flight or fight response, as well as to remain calm.
Happy Homes
Kelly Ingram – The Fung Shui Girl
Fung Shai is an ancient Chinese practice which uses invisible energy to harmonise an individual with their environment. Kelly Ingram specialises in optimising a home using Fung Shui techniques. Some examples of her tips include de-cluttering the entrance to your home, as well as differentiate the atmosphere of different rooms in the house that serve different purposes, such as the bedroom and the living area.
Word Vitamin
For this week’s word vitamin, Cynthia Morton speaks to us about change. If we feel that we are going down a path that doesn’t benefit us, it’s never too late to be proactive about our life direction and put steps in place to make positive changes.
Happy People
Trav Bell – The Bucket List Guy
With so much going on in our busy lives, we can often forget to step back and reflect upon where we are going and why. Trav Bell, The Bucket List Guy, wants to make sure that everyone is aware of the bigger picture. Having written his own bucket list and been ticking things off since the age of 18, Trav has developed a sense of living life to the fullest.
Happy Eating
If you find yourself always trying to squeeze a few extra minutes out of the day or you enjoy a wide variety of flavours without the added pressure of having to get too creative in the kitchen, Hello Fresh could be the perfect solution.
They send out all the ingredients required as well as easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to improve the range of dining in your family without increasing the demand on the chef.
Season Two Wrap Up!
Angie sits down with resident psychologist Chris Mackey to discuss some of the takeaways from Season Two of Destination Happiness 💗💗💗