I decided to put my foot down – no more Nanna Naps. Getting through a whole day without falling in a heap every afternoon shouldn’t be a problem at my age (alright alright no age jokes please).
Operation Energy Production began.
First of all I dropped the stimulants – no more coffee fixes or Allen’s Snake Lolly highs – I wanted to feel an a la naturelle buzz.
Then I began to tick all the boxes – adequate sleep, a well balanced diet, good hydration and regular exercise – but still no major improvement.
That’s when a little investigation lead me to some research carried out by Boston-based psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum’s who has written a book entitled The Emotional Energy Factor.
Kirshenbaum’s research shows that 70% of total energy comes from nonphysical sources, which she calls emotional energy. “You have emotional energy when you feel UP for your life – hopeful, positive, engaged, charitable, caring, patient, focused and loving” Kirshenbaum says.
It got me thinking – the happiest people I know aren’t necessarily living a strictly healthy life, but they seem to be blessed with a personality that stops them carrying the weight of the world around on their shoulders. Ah-ha moment!
It’s my mental baggage making me tired. I need to unload a few oversized suitcases to start feeling some pep in my step again.
If this sounds like you, here are a few possible explanations for your depletion…
- Worry – worry can be one of the biggest hurdles. A true worrier will worry that they worry too much. Simply being aware of your worry is the first step to stopping it. Then start catching yourself mid worry and ask “Is this rational?” and “Will this really matter a week/month/year from now?”
- Tension – The fight or flight response kicks in even when we’re not in life threatening situations. This instantly activates tension in your muscles that can be carried around permanently if you’re unaware of it. Try to repeat the words “let go” as often as you can to remind yourself to release the tension.
- Guilt – Nothing weighs you down more than guilt. Whatever the scenario – it is in the past and the past can’t be changed. Focusing on how you’ve changed because of that experience is the only positive move. 4
- Gossip – even though it can be titillating, gossip is ultimately destructive. It destroys trust and humiliates people. If people try to include you in a gossip session, you can subtly show your disapproval by simply not commenting or by saying something positive about the person being spoken about.
- Are you living your own dream? – Are you being true to your soul needs or conforming to what you think others expect of you?
- Energy zapping relationships – You know who they are – they’re the ones you avoid when you see they’re name on your caller ID. Cull away. Make room for like-minded, uplifting people.
This kind of energy boosting can be dealing with a lifetime of bad mental habits so patience is essential when looking for that ultimate energy boost.
Quote of the day “The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” Anthony Robbins