We caught up with Dr Joanna McMillan this week, which is always a treat. As a dietician and nutrition scientist, Joanna is a walking billboard for healthy eating, she glows with a vibrancy that is almost mesmerising! And as if that isn’t enough, throw in a Scottish accent and you’re hooked. I love listening to this woman talk, and when she’s talking about nutrition, there is a real passion in her delivery. Dr Joanna makes you want to be a better person.
This week she takes us through how we should be ordering when we’re eating out. While Joanna reminds us that we’re allowed to occasionally go crazy and order anything we like as a treat, when we’re eating our regularly (as so many of us do) we can make choices that maintain a good balance in our diet.
Based on the “The Dr Joanna Plate” Joanna advises us how to get the right mix of plants, proteins, smart carbs and good fats into our meals.
Thanks Dr Joanna, I’ll be thinking of you next time I’m holding a menu in my hand… Happy Eating!